ATS Blog

At BrightMove, we like to think of ourselves as innovators and thought-leaders. We will share some of our insights here on our blog. Please Tweet us if you’d like to join in on the conversation.

Economic Downturn, Staffing Upturn

Economic Downturn, Staffing Upturn

by Jimmy Hurff on 2022-08-21T00:00:00Z

We started our staffing company over 20 years ago. The Y2K and Internet bubble had already burst. We were trying to ride the magic carpet of technical staffing that had since disappeared. As a result, it became a trend for companies to invest in their people again. They were more ...

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Jimmy Hurff joins BrightMove as COO

by David Webb on 2022-08-10T03:32:00Z

BrightMove is pleased to announce that one of our co-founders, Jimmy Hurff, has taken on an expanded role within the company. Effective August 1 st , 2022, Jimmy assumed the role of Chief Operating Officer. In this new role, Jimmy will be responsible for the end-to-end customer journey, which includes ...

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BrightMove - Dark Horse

DarkHorse Podcast Endorses BrightMove

by David Webb on 2022-03-28T12:49:00Z

BrightMove is proud to be endorsed by the Dark Horse Podcast!

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This Change Can Transform Your Staffing Firm This Year

This One Change Can Transform Your Staffing Firm this Year

by Jimmy Hurff on 2022-01-28T15:33:00Z

Recruiting trends like candidate engagement, et al. became major focuses in the recruiting industry in the past few years, and you saw firsthand how quickly they completely transformed your work. The only thing that won’t change this year? Continued, constant change! Particularly when it comes to tech. 2020 will see new staffing and recruiting trends and technology that will greatly impact how you attract and convert candidates into consultants -- popping up seemingly overnight.

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Tech Leader, BrightMove, Launches ATS Mobile App

First Coast Tech Leader, BrightMove, Launches ATS Mobile App

by Jimmy Hurff on 2020-06-22T13:34:00Z

BrightMove, Inc., a leader in recruiting software innovation, is excited to announce the launch of the BrightMove ATS App, a mobile-based application designed to simplify management of candidate data and other applicant tracking activities from the convenience of a handheld device.

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How to Use Your Corporate Culture as a Differentiator in Recruiting

How to Use Your Corporate Culture as a Differentiator in Recruiting

by Jimmy Hurff on 2020-06-19T13:08:00Z

Top talent has heard it ALL when it comes to corporate culture. “We’re a fun office that cares about you!” and other lifeless, hollow statements can be found in nearly every job posting. It gets to the point where candidates automatically skip over those statements and assume that they’re false (or at least, mistakenly amplified).  If you really want to put your culture in the spotlight when recruiting top talent, you need to show candidates that your culture is different.

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6 Ways to Learn From and Improve Your Remote Work Capabilities

6 Ways to Learn From and Improve Your Remote Work Capabilities

by Jimmy Hurff on 2020-06-16T20:31:00Z

The truth is, while you may be up and running virtually, now’s a great time to fine-tune things and ensure that you’re maximizing productivity. After all, everyone’s worked through those initial hiccups and has their own groove going by now.  As some offices prepare to return to some semblance of “office work” in the next few weeks and months, and many more workers continue to work from home, smoothing out the wrinkles and maximizing output will help you charge through this time and come out on top.

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It’s Time to Rethink Your Approach to Social Networking

It’s Time to Rethink Your Approach to Social Networking

by Jimmy Hurff on 2020-06-16T20:28:00Z

The power of truly networking on social media is especially important for recruiters. Recruiters who are busy (and oftentimes, burned out) and are used to spitting out job postings on social before moving on. This is the opposite of social networking, for the record. We understand why that’s the case for so many. It’s just that with so much on their plates, many recruiters struggle to see the opportunity and potential in investing more time on social. Our team has been especially active on social lately and has compiled this advice to help you and your recruiters take a new approach and connect to the notion of “networking” in social networking.

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It’s Time to Take Another Look at Recent Grads

It’s Time to Take Another Look at Recent Grads

by David Webb on 2020-06-09T18:02:00Z

Today’s graduates are entering the workforce at an unprecedented time in our history. With the economy at its worst since the Great Depression, unease over future prospects is rampant. And while graduates are flooding the candidate pool, organizations are struggling to maximize every recruiting dollar, recruiting only those who are truly necessary to make an impact and to balance cost with the skills and experience needed to drive ROI for your business. In the past, those goals may not have aligned with hiring recent graduates. But many of today’s graduates are a far cry from graduates past Here's why you might want to consider taking another look at new grads:

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How To Separate Work and Life: 4 Habits for Remote Employees

How To Separate Work and Life: 4 Habits for Remote Employees

by David Webb on 2020-06-05T17:55:00Z

A healthy work-life balance is more than utilizing the weekend to take a break from work-related tasks. This benefit ensures that employees are taking even more time for themselves outside of work hours as a form of self-care, to spend time with friends and family, or to attend appointments that pertain to their health. Events like a doctor's visit, therapy session or sonogram appointment, if you’re a working soon-to-be mother, are all considered necessary for some, and important to those who want to maintain good health. For those who may struggle to focus on their personal well-being and happiness, caring about your work-life balance can prevent burnout and reduce other challenges associated with productivity and motivation as well.

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BrightMove pioneered Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) in 2005 and is now a global innovation leader in the hiring technology and recruiting software industry. Headquartered in St. Augustine Beach, Fla., BrightMove provides a cloud-based platform for RPO, PEO, and Staffing teams around the world.

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